Description I need to send a militant into the Dark Zone to stir up some…
Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
Andrew is a lifelong, multi-platform gamer with a passion for journalism and more than ten years' experience in the industry. He'll try any game once, and when he's not playing them, he's watching them, being as he is an avid esports fan.
Description My friend, I want to send a friendly militant to see what’s going on…
Description Outsider, this may be your first time helping me, but don’t be nervous. You’ll…
Description Floranpino was a strategic point occupied by different factions in the past, but no…
Description You should know that even though we’re working with those in the North, I…
Description Long time no see, operator. A batch of equipment was sent out a few…
Description Good job last time. Some people just need to be taught a lesson now…
Description Very good. You may have heard of the Valley, bordered by mountains to the…
Description Have you ever been to the south of the Valley? Right now, it’s in…
Description I have a good grip on the situation in the Valley now. I did…