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ABI Associate Producer Dave takes you through the Arena Breakout Infinite 2025 Roadmap, sharing exciting new content and development plans for the year ahead. Focused on enhancing gameplay, introducing new modes, and refining existing systems based on community feedback, the development team has laid out ambitious goals for the coming year. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what players can expect in 2025:
New Game Modes
One of the key highlights of 2025 is the introduction of several new game modes designed to diversify the gameplay experience.
Secure Ops Mode
In this mode, players won’t lose their gear upon death, making it ideal for those who want to explore the map or play casually without high stakes.
Competitive Modes
Familiar formats like Elimination and Team Deathmatch will be added, but with unique twists that fit the Arena Breakout Infinite universe.
Solo Mode
After numerous community requests, a solo mode will be introduced as an experimental feature in the next update. While it may not solve all issues related to team-based gameplay, it aims to offer valuable insights and a different style of play.
New Map: Northridge
A major addition in 2025 is the Northridge map, which offers a wide range of gameplay experiences across its diverse environments:
- Outskirts: Perfect for quieter exploration.
- Northridge Hotel: The central point of the map, designed for high-stakes combat.
In addition to Northridge, new story content and bosses will be added to further immerse players in the world of Kamona.
Weapon and Equipment Updates
Players can look forward to an array of new weapons and equipment in 2025. Furthermore, dynamic mechanics will be introduced to keep matches fresh and unpredictable.
Gameplay Improvements
Several gameplay enhancements are in the works to improve overall player experience:
- Spawn and Extraction Point Optimization: Better placement of spawn and extraction points to reduce frustration.
- Player Count Balancing: Adjustments in the number of players per match to maintain fairness.
- Sound Accuracy: Improvements in sound design to provide clearer and more predictable audio cues during combat.
- Thermal Nerfs: Thermals like T7 will be nerfed further by removing their ability to see through scopes, aligning with both realism and gameplay balance.
Addressing Toxic Behavior
Toxic behavior has been a key concern for the community, and the developers have outlined steps to mitigate these issues:
- Friendly Fire Adjustments: Throwable weapons will deal reduced damage to teammates, and stricter penalties will be applied for intentional team harm.
- Loot Stealing: The team is actively discussing measures to address loot stealing and similar toxic behaviors.
Quality of Life Improvements
Several QoL features will be introduced to enhance the overall experience:
- Backpack Management: New features like auto-rotating items and auto-stashing high-value loot will make inventory management smoother.
- Reduced Movement Inertia: Controls will become more responsive by minimizing movement inertia.
Skins and Monetization Overhaul
The developers are also making significant changes to skins and monetization systems:
- Weapon Skin Customization: In future updates, skins will automatically apply to all attachments, ensuring a seamless look.
- Simplified Monetization: Current monetization features like membership and keychain perks will be merged for a more streamlined experience. These changes will not affect current paid players, and compensatory measures will be provided to ensure fairness.
- Direct Purchase Options: In response to player feedback regarding gacha mechanics, direct purchase options for melee weapons and gun skins will be introduced in the next update.
Ammo Balancing and Strategic Combat
High-caliber ammo, such as M61 rounds, has been a controversial topic in the community. To address this, the developers are implementing noticeable nerfs to certain types of ammo. The goal is to create more balanced engagements where players can reposition, scout, and strategize without being taken down too quickly by overpowering weapons.
Dynamic In-Match Events and Achievements
The developers are working on adding random dynamic events and an achievement system to enhance replayability and reward player progression.
Future Map Expansions and Weather System
Future maps will be larger with more varied spawn points to improve spawn diversity. Additionally, a dynamic weather system will be implemented, influencing gameplay and pacing. Expect rain, fog, storm and other environmental conditions that will add a new layer of strategy to each match.
The number of players in each match isn’t fixed, leading to varied battle intensities. As your rank increases, the matchmaking will also evolve.
We don’t have immediate plans for specific new scopes, but we’re keeping our eyes on scope prices. Thanks for your feedback.
PvE is a mode that our development team enjoys. However, we’re focusing on stabilizing the core gameplay first before expanding into this area.
We’re considering the impact of extremely difficult tasks on the player experience. This challenge might be introduced in a future update, but it’s still under discussion. Meanwhile, we’ll keep adding new tasks every season.
We don’t plan to introduce a night mode in the near future.
As the first PC title from MoreFun Studio, Arena Breakout Infinite has been a remarkable journey of growth and learning. The development team remains committed to delivering a game that balances hardcore realism with rich quality-of-life features, all while listening to community feedback.
With new maps, modes, and significant gameplay enhancements on the horizon, 2025 is set to be a transformative year for Arena Breakout Infinite. Stay tuned for more updates, and may the year ahead bring exciting challenges, thrilling victories, and unforgettable moments to all players!
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Nothing about console?
I hope when they say game modes they’re looking at keeping the original game mode or making a slight spin-off where you can revive your team mates within the first 60 seconds -> 2 mins of them being killed, but only once to give people a slight chance at living and getting to exfil.
Would make a point to running as a squad, and allow for new gameplay styles where someone might sacrifice to win the battle if their team wraps it up fast enough to get the revive off
Сходи за этой казуальщиной в Warzone, а в Арене никому это не нужно!
More maps boys 😉
Perhaps a look into the audio should be a priority? Im sire many others, as well as myself discovered when you’re listening for little movements…like when people reload ammo, are crouch walking, or looting within 15m of you (with or without) headphones. I have died so many times because of looking in a slightly incorrect direction because of the spatial audio. Like when people loot below from a ledge it sounds like they are RIGHT below me but are actually 10m further out than what I thought. Or when people reload their mags in a room in front of me, it sounded like it was above me on the second floor.
What this game REQUIRES MOST is rank based matchmaking. A perfect example is Hunt Showdown. Actually please do the work and get it done. I hate getting pushed by a 4 man team of pure sweaty chadlords while I run around with maybe similar gear but not nearly the skills to. You can push it aside as git gud or skill issue but Hunt Showdown is more enjoyable with their system. Get it done in 2025 or you will see people leaving even with a Steam release.
This game NEEDS night mode. I cannot believe you people still have no plans to make night maps when it adds so much to the game.
Thermals need a nerf:
* Increase the start raid cost from 20K to 100K when using a thermal.
* Create a night mode (2 time choices like in EFT) and restrict thermals to night only.
New weapons, equipment and maps are all very welcome.
The game is really good so far and is enjoyable at times. But I say at times because…
There are multiple things wrong with the game:
– The current matchmaking system just does not work well. Teams of players bordering pro level get into the same match as someone who is way less experienced. A skill based matchmaking is the solution. A great example of this is Hunt Showdown. Hunt takes team size and overall skill level into account when matching players. Arena Breakout really requires at the very least overall skill into account. This is to make it fair for all skill levels and give each player the opportunity to get better at the game.
Sadly somehow many people disagree with this and be al doom and gloom about how it ruins the game. Fine, make it a separate option to toggle so that players can choose. Having the current matchmaking and a skill based one side by side is honestly the best system. We can also expand on this by having a solo only mode which they have specified in their roadmap. With their intention to release the game on Steam, both versions of this matchmaking will work.
– Thermals in its current form and in the current form of the game have no place at all. There is no night mode, the thermal range seems unlimited as you can see player across the map pretty much and cheater are using it to potentially hide their use of ESP etc. An option is to add night mode to the game and restrict thermals to that time setting. Another remedy is to increase the buy in for Lockdown and Forbidden when going into a raid with thermal equipment. In its current form with teams of 3-4 each with a thermal sight on their helmet and a 100 round magazine HK416 is hardly a good state to be in. We see people with massive stashes at this point and with no wipes, the amount of people with thermal scopes will only increase. The high price for thermals are honestly not high enough when you see people with stashes worth 100M+. My opinion is that thermals just have no place and should be removed.
– Map spawn points are too predictable. A dynamic spawn system is much needed. The game does need more of a variety in this regard.
Other than those things, the game is great and runs very well other than a few stutters. But those 3 points really need to be done and implemented.
No tarkov-like hideout system?
Would love to see a hideout u can upgrade with the different loot u find in game, apart from that im loving the game!
Pls, ADD a PROXIMITY CHAT when u add the SOLO more, We wanna some specific interaction with the community, with the ppl, some cooperate, we need this to do some plays, i mean proximity chat that your enemy can hear, PLS
Secure ops mode is going to have a decent impact on the pvp.. People already have gear fear and come in with next to nothing. Secure ops mode is an L if you enjoy pvp.