Description We’re in luck! My friends were quite pleased with your work and are eager…
Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
Andrew is a lifelong, multi-platform gamer with a passion for journalism and more than ten years' experience in the industry. He'll try any game once, and when he's not playing them, he's watching them, being as he is an avid esports fan.
Description I think I’d better tell you the whole story before asking you for a…
Description I need your help again, soldier. You know about the Recycling Station at one…
Description My friend, you probably know by now that you can do a lot by…
Description One of my packages ran into a little trouble in transit. The courier was…
Description Recruit, I believe that your basic skills are up to par, now that you’re…
Description Although this place is full of treasures, only that which you take out of…
Description Your top priority should be food, because you can’t work on on empty stomach.…
Description You getting the hang of this, friend? Don’t let your guard down while you’re…
Description I know you’ve been to the Farm already, but you need to be familiar…