Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Koen in Arena Breakout: Infinite

In the perilous world of Arena Breakout: Infinite, amassing wealth is a critical aspect of survival. This guide unveils efficient strategies for making money fast (Koen), offering valuable insights on Covert Ops (Scav) runs, trading, quests, and market flipping. Learn how to navigate the in-game economy with our ABI money-making guide and build your financial empire in the face of relentless challenges.

Grabbing Good Deals

The dynamic market in Arena Breakout: Infinite mirrors real-life auction markets. Essential items like keys and guns can often be bought below their true value, which you can then clear in a raid and sell for profit. For example, purchasing an M4A1 for 35,000 koen and selling its parts for 40,000 koen post-raid can net you an additional 5,000 koen.

The Refresh Trick

When purchasing parts for gunsmithing, refresh the prices multiple times to catch newly listed, cheaper items. This simple trick can save you thousands of koen while building firearms.

Contact Exchanges

Contacts offer items that can be highly profitable. Fulfill exchange orders by acquiring items from the market or through raids. Use the “Add to Wishlist” feature to easily identify needed items during raids, turning these exchanges into instant profits.

Playing the Market

Many players miss out on significant profits by selling items at the lowest recommended price. Instead, analyze the market graph to find a strategic selling price. For example, if the market suggests selling a Sports Backpack for 5,475 koen, but the average price is 6,750 koen, place your item in the window between the floor and the average price to maximize your earnings.

Additional Tips

  1. Understand Market Trends: Regularly check the market trends to identify high-demand items.
  2. Balance Risk and Reward: Only take high-value items into high-risk raids if you’re confident in your survival.
  3. Use Loadout Management: Efficiently manage your loadout to balance weight and loot capacity, maximizing your haul each raid.

Detailed Guide on Earning Money in Arena Breakout: Infinite

#1. Covert Ops (Scav) Runs

Description: Utilize scav runs to gather loot without risking your Tactical Ops (Operator) gear. Scav runs have a cooldown but allow you to enter raids with a randomly generated character and gear. Focus on high-value items and extracts.

Tip:  Avoid conflict if possible and prioritize looting. Sell the scav loot to traders or on the market for easy profits.

#2. Quest Completion

Description: Complete quests from contacts to receive monetary rewards, items, and experience. Quests often unlock new items for purchase and provide significant financial benefits.

Tip: Prioritize quests that offer high-value rewards and work on multiple quests simultaneously to maximize efficiency.

#3. Loot High-Value Items

Description:  Learn the locations of valuable items such as UPS Units, Gold Lion Statue, TI Module, and other rare loot. Maps like Farm, Valley, and TV Station have high-value loot spots.

Tip:  Use online resources and interactive maps to familiarize yourself with loot spawns and plan your raids around these locations.

#4. Market

Description: Use the market to buy low and sell high. Monitor market trends and take advantage of price fluctuations to make a profit.

Tip: Focus on items with high demand and low supply, such as medical items, provisions, and keys.

#5. Barter Trades

Description: Utilize bartering opportunities from contacts and the market. Some items can be traded for high-value gear that can be sold or used in raids.

Tip: Keep an eye on barter trades that offer high returns. Collect items required for these trades during raids like building materials or household items.

#6. Sell to Contacts (Traders)

Description: Items that do not sell well on the market can often be sold to in-game traders for a consistent profit.

Tip: Compare prices between contacts and the market to ensure you get the best value for your items. Use the trader loyalty system to get better deals.

#7. Use Containers (Case)

Description: Secure containers (Reinforced Case, Bulletproof Case, Composite Case) allow you to safely extract high-value items even if you die during a raid.

Tip: Prioritize placing the most valuable loot in your secure case to guarantee profits regardless of raid outcomes. Use containers strategically based on the items you expect to find.

By following these detailed strategies, players can maximize their earnings and ensure a steady flow of koen in Arena Breakout Infinite.


What is the best map to make money in Arena Breakout: Infinite?

The Valley is considered the best map for this goal now since it contains plenty of valuable loot, including weapons and attachments that can be useful for future raids.

Can you make real money in ABI?

Yes, you can make real money in Arena Breakout: Infinite by selling your in-game items for real money. But this is forbidden by the rules of the game :).

What to sell in ABI?

In most cases, you want to sell items you do not use or consider useless at any stage of the game.

What is the best way to make money in ABI?

Doing Covert Ops (Scav) runs and Looting around the most profitable maps like Valley or Farm can help you earn enough Koens to buy practically anything you want.

How do you make money on the ABI Market?

The most obvious method to use here is to buy items at their lowest point and sell them when they cost more. It is called Market Flipping and can be quite beneficial if you know what is going on in the game’s economy system.

How do you get good loot in Arena Breakout: Infinite?

Raiding by Tactical Ops (Operator) is the best source to get powerful and rare loot in ABI.

Is Arena Breakout Infinite popular?

After the first round of Twitch drops was claimed within a few hours and subsequent rounds have also proven popular, Arena Breakout Infinite is currently one of the most popular games in the world and it is only in a closed beta, which is typically a good sign for a game going forward with its development.


By utilizing these strategies, you can significantly increase your koen earnings in Arena Breakout: Infinite. Focus on market dynamics, efficient loadout management, and strategic raid planning to dominate both on the battlefield and in the marketplace.

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