Arena Breakout: Infinite – Contacts System for Beginners

As players level up in the Arena Breakout: Infinite, they will unlock more and more contacts, each of whom will offer different items for sale. Who is the contact you visit most frequently? What do you usually buy from them?

The pillars of commerce in the ruined, beleaguered Kamona. Each contact (trader) specializes in a particular category of goods, be they weapons, backpacks, or meds. While their prices are typically steep, you get what you pay for – and more importantly, you can build a reputation with each trader through Missions, to reduce the commission they receive (additional markup you pay on sales and purchases), receive better offers in general, and so on. Contacts also offer additional services, such as repairs.

Joel Garrison

Specifications: Weapons, Ammo

Joel was a middle school teacher who joined the local militia after losing his file, so he left his hometown and became an operator. In the later years of the North-South Conflict, he was recruited by Blackgold Universal and was active as a squad captain in Kamona. During one operation, Joel was ambushed, and his squad suffered heavy losses. Following this incident, he chose to quit Blackgold Universal. After recuperating for six months, he then returned to Kamona in a different role, providing training and intermediary services for operators.


Specifications: Medkits, Provisions, Miscellaneous 

Evita was born in one of the southern nations of the Ocean Alliance. Her family background is unknown. She graduated as a Doctor of Medicine from Colom State Medical College and joined Doctors Without Borders during her PhD. After the outbreak of the North-South Conflict, Evita arrived in Kamona as a medic and carried out fundraising to establish a temporary medical clinic that provided services for both locals and operators. She is said to have come to Kamona to find her father, a medical expert who disappeared some months ago, and she is currently commissioning operators to collect clues.

Deke Vinson

Specifications: Limited Time Item, Body Armor, Backpack

Deke Vinson was born in Kamona to a family active in its various circles. During his studies in Colom, a firm resolution sprouted within him, which left him feeling strongly dissatisfied with the situation in Kamona. When the North-South Conflict broke out, Deke took the opportunity to return home. He used his family’s influence and connections to navigate various channels of underground trade, and accumulated a lot of wealth with his business acumen and clever methods. This allowed him to make acquaintances in various factions and he became a highly sought-after intelligence trader. But Deke’s ambitions reach even further.


Specifications: Weapons, Ammo

Vladlen, a native of Tevila, originally served as an operations expert in a special airborne regiment of his home nation. After making great achievements in a local battle, he secretly joined the Tevilan Security Department, Shortly after the North-South Conflict broke out, the Northern Security Union provided assistance to the Northern Front, and Vladlen was sent there as a military observer. After the Clan leader led Renoir and others to break away from the Northern Front, the operation was forced to a halt and the Second Clan was disbanded. Thereafter, Vladlen continued to lead the intelligence work of the Northern Security Union in the Gungnir plan. After the Sumek committee intervened in the war, Vladlen was appointed as one of their military mediators in Kamona.

Thomas Edward 

Specifications: Weapons, Ammo

Thomas Edward, who once served in a special tactical squadron of the Colom Air Force, is currently a senior intelligence officer in the Overseas Secret Service of the Cologne Intelligence Bureau. He has been stationed overseas for a long time, collecting intelligence. A few years after the Sumek crisis, Thomas was posted to Kamona, and later played an important role in the North-South Conflict After the Sumek Committee intervened in the war, Thomas was appointed as one of their military mediators in Kamona.

Randall Fisher

Specifications: Weapons, Ammo, Body Armor, Headset

Randall Fisher once served in a special forces unit of the Ocean Alliance. After retiring. he joined the Blockgold Universal operator organization. As a front-line combatant, he participated in local battles in various regions. After the outbreak of the North-South Conflict, he was stationed in Kamona as the local commander and head of operations. Randall mainly undertakes commissions from the Ocean Alliance and the Colom Intelligence Bureau. He has many business dealings with Thomas, but the two of them don’t each other.


Rodriguez, formerly a captain with Guoyapos Fisheries, chose to stay behind at the fisheries when the North-South Conflict broke out. During the chaos of those years. he was in contact with various factions, and his network of relationships spread all over the Dark Zone. They disguised themselves as fishermen while secretly carrying out underground business. But as the blockade of Kamona by Sumek forces tightened, Rodriguez’s retail business became greatly affected. As business in the Port expanded, he also gave up his smaller-scale endeavors.

Barter Trades – How it works?

Some things are just too precious to simply give away for money. Sometimes, Contacts simply need some specific items and they are willing to give you something really good in exchange for them. And sometimes, they just want to expand their collection of seemingly useless stuff.

The Barter system gives you access to high-tier stuff early in the game (usually 1 Loyalty Level earlier than regular trading); Some Barter Trades even offer fully modded weapons! Thanks to this, you can gain an advantage over the opposition or simply save a lot of money – if you are able to collect all the needed items, that is.

The system is quite straightforward – you bring specific stuff to a Contact and you get a specific thing in return. Most of the items required for bartering can be found in Raids – they can be anything, from provisions to high-tier military equipment.


How to make money in Arena Breakout: Infinite?

The best locations to farm money in Arena Breakout: Infinite at the moment are the Farm and Valley. On them, you will find a lot of useful loot to sell at the market or to contacts. One competent run around the map can replace several hours of continuous grind of random locations and PvP.

What is the safest money run in Arena Breakout Infinite?

Farm Map Run. This town run spawns more general loot and has lots of jackets and gym bags. Duffle bags can spawn most kinds of loot in the game, including very profitable loot. Food spawns inside houses in this town, and it’s generally a very safe area.

How do you unlock the last two contacts did i miss something?

They haven’t been unlocked yet, we guess they will be added when the game is released. Not 100%. Stay Tuned!


Knowing your Contacts in Kamona well will certainly help you maintain a healthy economy and allow you to progress through the game quicker.

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