Arena Breakout: Infinite Bans Notice

Thank you for participating in the closed beta test. The Anti-Cheat Team of Arena Breakout: Infinite, highly understands the importance of a fair environment to players, and that is the reason why they have a zero-tolerance policy for any cases of violating rules (including but not limited to abusing cheating software, illegal software, and intentionally team up with cheaters).

Once developers detect the behaviors of cheating, they will immediately verify it and implement a serious penalty (including but not limited to permanent accounts or devices banned with in-game announcements).

Arena Breakout: Infinite has already implemented a real-time banning policy. All suspicious accounts and their historical data will be investigated. They will be banned if they are verified by the anti-cheat team.

In the past time, the Anti-Cheat team of Arena Breakout: Infinite detected and combated over 10 memory-related cheats, 2 VT cheats, and over 10 DMA cheats, and a total of 2124 accounts have been banned for ten years.

False Ban Announcement

Recently, developers have noticed many cases of “false ban” reports from players. If your account has been falsely banned, please follow the false ban appeal process outlined below.

False Ban Appeal Process:

  1. Feedback Collection:

    Click here to submit your false ban appeal, also you can go to #⁠false-ban-appeal (Discord Channel) to submit your false ban appeal.

  2. Verification:

    The Developer’s Team reviews and verifies the feedback received. Results will be sent to players via official email soon.

P.S.: Make sure that you submitted the Arena Breakout: Infinite account email. If you submit an incorrect email, moderators will reach out to you once they have the results.

This process ensures accurate handling of false ban reports.

What is a DMA Cheat?

A DMA attack is a type of side channel attack in computer security, in which an attacker can penetrate a computer or other device, by exploiting the presence of high-speed expansion ports that permit direct memory access (DMA).


Arena Breakout: Infinite remains committed to maintaining a fair and enjoyable gaming environment through stringent anti-cheat measures and real-time banning policies. With a dedicated team actively monitoring and addressing any cheating activities, players can expect a level playing field. Should any player face a false ban, the outlined appeal process ensures their concerns are addressed promptly and accurately. Your fair play is our priority, ensuring a better gaming experience for everyone.

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nathan May 25, 2024 - 1:16 AM
my in game name is codexatlas i was falsely banned and been waiting days for a reply.
杨政勋 June 13, 2024 - 2:30 AM
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